I spent this weekend in Marburg with the most amazing group of exchange students. There were 20 of us, all living around Giessen, who went to the Late Stay Orientation Camp. We all come from such different places; Slovakia, Hungary, Turkey, Brazil, Spain, Finland, France, Mexico, Columbia, China, Venezuela, Guatemala, Switzerland, and the good 'ol USA. I'm happy that the world is full of such great people.
On Friday I left school and caught a bus to the train station. Then my five classmates and I took a train to Marburg. It was so cool, I had never been on a train before. So quiet, fast, and clean. We got to Marburg in 13 minutes, and began the best weekend. I was so happy when we walked into the Hostel and I saw Hallee from my pre-departure orientation. She was in my group there so we got to know each other really well. (And it was nice to be with someone who only spoke English.) the few of us that were there then went to go eat and during that time everyone else showed up. There was so much, "Hi I'm (insert name here) from (insert country)." We then did some activities and fun games and such; to get to know each other and learn some things about our stay so far. That night was so fun. I shared a room with Su from Turkey, Eve from Finland, Evelin from Hungary, a girl from Slovakia, and Bruna from Brazil. We stayed up as late as we could talking to each other till everyone got so tired they could translate from their language into English anymore.
Saturday was such a fun day. We woke up, had breakfast, did some activities and game, and had lunch. Then after lunch we had an activity where we had to go into Marburg with just an apple and an egg and try and trade them for the best things we could. Talking to totally random people we don't know. It was so much fun because we got to go around and see the city, and CASTLE, and talk to German people. Though most of the talking was in English. One group ended up with a beer, another with a dildo (it was a funny story), my group had a flower and some candy. We came back to the hostel, and had more activities, one of which was the "sex talk". It was probably the funniest sex talk ever, though no one ate bananas for the rest of the weekend. After that it was time for the talent show.
We were all so skeptical of the participation mandatory talent show, no one really knew what to do. I was glad Elliot had mentioned it to me before we came because I brought my Ukulele. We were taught a Turkish dance, and the Macarena. There was a power point and music from Brazil. Singing from Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Switzerland, and Guatemala. I have to thank Jean, the boy from France for saving my life. My Ukulele was out of tune and I didn't bring my tuner, but he tuned it for me with his guitar. We ended up doing our talents together and played You and I by Ingrid Michelson in a nice little duet. Then we got encored, so we played Five Years Time by Noah and the Whale, and one of our advisers sang because he knew the words. After the talent show we didn't have any activities planned so we had a dance party and ate sweets. It was so much fun to compare dance moves from all the countries. When the room got to hot to dance anymore we went outside and played the quietest game of Hide-and-Seek ever. No one got to bed till around 2, but it was so worth it.
Sunday was so sad, having to say bye to everyone. We had a few activities, but we mostly played ninja. Ninja was our game of choice for the weekend, everyone loves it. The day ended after lunch, with everone going home. Everyone got so close this weekend and had so much fun, we're all counting the days till January when we have our next Orientation.
The new additions to my wrist, thanks to such kind women. The first beaded one is from my Grandma and Grandpa and is old. the second one with the dragon fly it from Turkey. The eye is to protect from bad ideas, I can dig it. The third rainbow one is from Guatemala, with my name written in Chinese. The last one is from Jack and is old.
The castle in Marburg. There is a really cool river too. I definitely wan't to go back there and explore.
The group of us on Sunday.
No wonder Germany is know for being an intelligent country. They have Nutella & GO.