So last weekend I went to a Kirmes in Soest with Lia and her family. They are such nice people and the weekend was a blast. A Kirmes is a fair, with rides and food and games and fun. The Kirmes in Soest is the biggest Kirmes in a town in all of Germany, and some people argue all of Europe. It literally took up the entire town. There were tons of rides and I went on some fun ones. Spinning in 4 directions at once is always fun. We stayed with Lia's Aunt, so it was a huge family affair. Her dad grew up in Soest, and it turns out so did mine.
I got through another week of school, Woohoo. I had my first homework AND test. I never thought I would be happy to say that, but school is so boring when you have nothing to do. My homework and test were both in my English class. Though it wasn't as easy as you think. It was an English vocabulary test, turns out the words are in German and you have to put them in English. I was able to answer 9 of the 22, thanks to my cramming the lesson before the test. Everyone always asks me if I have to write the "tests" with them, and I've never really understood what they mean, but now I do. They have testing for the grades. So on Friday there was a German test on the book Prinz Friedrich von Hamburg for the entire 11th class. I didn't know about it, and hadn't read the book, and don't know German; so I didn't take the test. They kind of give me a STAR test vibe, but they effect your grade.
I've joined a walking group with some of the ladies from my Gymnastics class. They are all very nice and sweet. One of them said that if I help her learn English she'll help me with German. I guess I can make friends, they just have to be at least 50 years older than me. Only in Germany do walking group enjoy Gluhwein and Kuchen after their walks. I find it funny, but it's quite fun.
I'm looking into Volunteering at an Animal Shelter. I miss pets, and that way I'll get to hang out with some animals that need someone too love them.
Tomorrow I'm going with Babs and her students to the Audi factory and am going to watch some beautiful cars get made. Then on Thursday I'm going with Babs and her students to the Deutsches Bank in Frankfurt. Woohoo!
I'll post pictures from the Kirmes when I get them. I forgot my camera, and I'm glad I did because it rained and rained.