Sunday, October 14, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

    There's so much to do here.

     I finished with my last week of language class.  I hated it at first because I wasn't out meeting people at my school, and starting my life already.  But I miss it.  It was safe and nice. I liked the people, and they liked me. For our last day of class we went to Frankfurt for the day.  We saw so many churches and buildings.  It's still weird that it's common for things here to be older than the US.  I went shopping and actually bought clothes.  And they were brand new! I can't remember the last time I bought something, let alone something that was not consignment.  I bought new tights because my host mom freaks out every time I wear the pair I came with, because they have a small hole.  I wonder when she'll notice the skirt I wear frequently doesn't have a hem...

     Now begins two weeks of vacation.  I'm hoping to be able to catch up on some sleep.  I'm so tired all the time, it's getting annoying.  I went to a Tupperware party with my host mom after spending the whole day running around Frankfurt. It went so late and coupled with my fatigue, I had to go to the bathroom at one point and just cry from exhaustion. Sometime I feel like I have the same defense mechanism as an onion, but instead of making other people cry I make myself cry.

     Friday I wnt to Victoria's school and made lanterns for a holiday in November with her class.  The kids were all very sweet, and I was told I can come when ever I want. Can I just go to school there?  I got to see the Regensburger Domspatzen boys choir with my mom and sisters.  We even got to host 2 of the boys.  They are every well know in Germany, and Europe as one of the best choirs.  They held up to that expectation.  It was magical.

     Yesterday I got to spend 5 hours at the swimming pool (Schwimmbad) with my sisters and Mimi, Victoria's friend. It was so much fun, and I actually felt like a sister to them.  They have such fancy swimming pools here, but they are kind of expensive.  Though I'm not used to actually having money, let only money that I'm supposed to spend.  Maybe 4€ isn't expensive to go swimming.

     Today my family is at a Floughmarkt.  It's essentially a giant communal yard sale. It's really quite cool, I went to one the second day I was here.  I was supposed to go later in the day with my Dad, that way I could sleep some.  I woke up and got ready and no one was home, so I decided to walk to it.  I'd been there before, so I knew where it was, and it would be a nice walk.  So 30 minutes later I got there, no one.  There was a kind group of people a few years older than me hanging out there, and they told me the next Floughmart was in December.  So I walked home quite confused.  My Dad was home, and it turns out the markt is on the other side of Giessen (15km away).  Whoops, at least I got a nice walk in.

    Tonight I'm spending the night at a friends house. Woohoo! Then tomorrow it's off to get my Visa. I'll be all official.

I just looked out my window and saw a man walking down our path with a hand cart full of beer...  That's Germany for you. And now he' come back with a fridge.  Probably another event I don't know about, but I will a few hours before it happens.  Later in the vacation, I'm not sure when or for how many days, I'm going to Bayern.  I know were going to see the super famous castel, that's about all I know though.

 I love getting mail from my parents. Mondays are starting to become my favorite days because that's always when the letters show up.
 An actual train station.  So cool, so loud, so many people, so different.
 Mainhattan, AKA Frankfurt. 

The Samsung touch screen table.  I love technology.

 Our choir boys with Pina, Mimi, and Victoria.
They have such beautiful clouds here.  I always look at the sky and miss Kaylee and want her to be here looking at them with me.  Maybe soon though!

I also finished applying to the CSU's and have everything but the essays done for the UC system.  Applying to college is a lot easier the second time, because all the information from the first time is still there. Will I apply to any private schools?  Who knows?  They make you apply to college too early.  I want to use this year to figure out who I am, and what I want to do.  Not much has changed in 5 weeks. I hoped things would become clearer and I would discover great new things about myself and what I want to do with ease.  But everything just seems more cluttered and chaotic.  I have no idea what to do with my life.

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