Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kochen Kochen Kochen Kochen

     I spent my entire day baking.
     Last week Pumpkin Pie came up, and my family is fasinated by it, so today I made it for them.  Well, am in the process of making it for them.  You see, they don't have canned pumpkin or pre-made pie crust over here.  So I embarked on the process of making 100% home-made Pumpkin pie. Today was also Elliot's Pasta Party, so I had to make a sauce for that.  I decided to make a Butternut Squash sauce, I'm really into the Kurbis lately.  It's also my host Dad's birthday on Friday, and I'm making him chocolate chip cookies.
    So today I went to the grocery store and tried to buy everything I needed.  Things they don't have Germany: Shortening, Brown Sugar, Half and Half, Canned Pumpkin, Pre-made Pie Crust, real chocolate chips. So I did my best and came home with 30 euros worth of groceries I though would work out.
    First was to deal with all my Kurbis!! I peeled and gutted and diced, where necessary, and threw it all in the over to bake.  Then I started with the pie crust.  I HATE making pie crust, though I have to say it's so much better when you're not using shortening, the texture isn't as horrible.  The crust looks pretty good for being just butter.
     Then I got a call from Elliot asking when I was coming over, the party had started. Whoops!  I though it was 4 hours later. So I quickly made my Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, thank you Kit for the recipe in German measurements!) Then I purred my squash and made the sauce.
     Elliot's was a lot of fun, and we did more cooking!  We made home made pasta.  I reminded me of making it with my mom and brother, it was always fun. It was a lot of work, and took a long time, but the pasta was great, and so was my sauce.
     Now I'm home and it's 8.  Im not sure if I'm going to make the pumpkin filling for my pie tonight, or do it tomorrow... hmmm

I wonder if they have the right dish to cook the pie in?

My wonderful chocolate chip cookie dough.

Wie viele Kürbisse? Alle Kürbisse.

My lovely complete sauce.

 Everyone was so sad about murdering the poor defenseless Onions they couldn't help but cry.

How many people does it take to roll out pasta dough?

 Our family portrait. Deutschland uber alles.

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